Our Adoption From Ukraine

Sunday, October 22, 2006

We went back to the orphanage last night from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. last night and did a puzzle with the kids. She was right into it, but he would wander off and play for a while and then come back to it, but he is a 7 year old boy and she is a 9 year old girl. Boy, can you tell the difference. About 5:30 p.m. the Americans came in from outside with their 2 boys, 5 & 6 and then it was crazy!!!

After we were done our visit we headed out for supper with the American couple. It was a nice restaurant, a good meal and we had great company. It was so nice to be able to talk to someone who is from home and is going through the same thing we are. Don't worry Bob & Susan, you are still our #1 friends in Ukraine!!! we are just not in the same place.

Y came in with her daughter this morning and we went to the circus with them and our two. It was nice to get them out of the orphanage. The kids really enjoyed themselves, we did too....we just had no idea what they were saying at the show. Apparently the clown was really funny....Nadia was laughing her head off. It's was very different that what we would see, no guide wires and the animal activists would have a cow!!

We dropped the kids off at 2:30 and then went back from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. I tried to teach them some more English words, but they just wanted to play soccer and on the jungle jim, I think they were still pumped from the sugar and circus. about 5:30 the Italian woman and her son came in and Stasi went crazy. They were running around like maniacs. Nadia remembers most of what we taught her yesterday and of course they are picking up words as we go along. I hope they learn more soon, Canada and school are just around the corner.

Sorry Loretta and Lesley, we will be flying back via Minneapolis or Chicago, we are flying Northwest. Loretta we will see you at Christmas!!!! Yeah, I am sooo excited you are coming to Manitoba!!!

Congratulations to my e-mail friend Tonya....she has an appointment at the SDA on November 16th.

Happy 40th Birthday to our friend Lyle who turned 40 yesterday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to hear things are going along very well. It's been a long time coming, and you deserve the best! It will be great once you are all home sweet home!
take care.
Anne from Calgary ;))

12:24 PM  
Blogger ColleenD said...

I have never heard of a family loving the region so much that they named a child after it!
(Tee Hee.)

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on finding your children. Looking forward to reading the new and wonderful adventures.

FRUA friend

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim and Brad - we're are so excited for you! Jason and I both have been checking your blog and have been thinking of you often. We are so sorry for all the heartache you have had, but are also thrilled to know there is a happy ending in sight. Yogi - in case you haven't been able to keep up with the Vikings, they beat Seattle today 31-13. And of course Jason wants you to know that the Broncos are 5-1.
Hope the rest of your journey is blessed.

Best wishes to you both,
Shannon and Jason

10:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim and Brad!

We're so happy for you all! We're hoping you're all home together soon. Lots of love,

Karen, Robbie & Mike

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It's nice to see things moving forward positively.
It's getting colder back here at home the water froze in the garden hose last night.

Best wishes
Rob & Corrine
W. St. Paul

9:31 AM  
Blogger adoptedthree said...

I LOVE your comments about seven year old boys!! Welcome to the world of non-stop full speed ahead!!

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so glad, happy and over joyed for you Kim & Brad, we have been waiting here every day last week when we knew you were going to meet the kids. This is so wonderful. Kevin can hardly wait for them to play Hockey with Bryce. Yes he went on the weekend and bought him a stick and skates and a helmet.Enjoy the rest of your time there and enjoy the kids....we cant wait to meet them p.s supper club is at our house last saturday in November so hurry home and be safe.

Tracy & Kevin and Bryce

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys had a great day with the kids! Many more to come too!

Safe travels to you both

7:00 PM  

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