To our friends and family, thank you so much for your support, you have no idea how much you have helped. We are now back in Kiev waiting for another appointment, our first referral did not work out. They received applications on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but they are in training today and we have been told to come tomorrow at 9 a.m. The apartment we have is very nice, it even has a washing machine. I did 2 loads last night and 2 today. It is very small.
The past week has been one of the hardest weeks of our life. I am not going to go into great detail…but here it is in a nut shell. We have been in Makeevka (a small village outside of Donetsk) since last Thursday morning. The train ride was….BAD. I would not recommend it, but it is cheap and we will do it again if necessary. We flew back last night…after the past week, I could not face the train. We have been spending time with a little girl (7) and her brother (5). The unfortunate part is that she was hosted by an American family from August 12-31. This trip was still fresh in her mind and the woman calls twice a week. She did not want us to adopt her, she is waiting for this family to come for her. The sad part is that this could take a year, or it may never happen. These people have not even been approved to adopt. Ukraine has not accepted any new applications for the past year. When they start accepting them (hopefully in January) they will be flooded with applications. These people may not come for a year, or possibly ever. What does this mean for these children? They will sit in the orphanage and suffer. The longer they sit there, the more their mental and physical state deteriorates. This woman and her husband believe they are these children's parents and they may never be (no, there have never meet him…he is to young to be hosted). I am appalled by how selfish they are, they are not thinking of the children, but themselves. My heart aches for all the other families that will come visit them, and there will be families. They are in an age group that is in demand and they are healthy. They will go through the same heart ache we did. My heart aches for the little boy who is an innocent bystander….who cried when we left him, he would have gotten on a plane with us on the second day and never looked back. So we go on. We know that there are other children out there who want us to be their parents and we are coming for them.
Makeevka was like living in the past. Our hotel was about 100 years old, our first room had a skeleton key!! We were fortunate enough to have a room with hot water, and yes, we paid extra for it. We have had limited access to the internet, we were only able to send one e-mail the entire time we were there. We were able to read my e-mails, but not Brad's and able to read the comments here. We felt so isolated that we could not contact our friends and family. We have not forgotten about you!! As I said before, it was wonderful to go into my e-mail and our blog and read what had been written. Weather it was support for what we were going through, well wishes, or gossip form the office, it was wonderful!! We are so blessed to have such an amazing family and group of friends.
Our friends Bob and Susan from home have been a life saving. They are in Ukraine as well, but we are not close, but we speak to them daily. It's so nice to have friends from home in the same time zone.
We will update tomorrow and let you know about our appointment.
I am so sorry!!!
Those poor children.
I wish you a speedy second appt!
Hi Kim and Brad
It is so great to hear from you! I was just in contact with Val when your email came in . As I am sure you know we have been going crazy not knowing how things have been going for you. I am very happy to hear that you are alright. It sounds like you have a very tough week, it is very emotional for me just knowing what you are going through. It sounds like you made the right decision and just keep going with your gut instincts and everything will work out to your advantage. Take care, I am happy to know that it gives you such comfort knowing all you friends and family are supporting you 110%.
Kim & Brad,
I am so sorry. It's heart breaking to hear that someone could do this to the children. After everything you have been through you are showing incredible strength. We will continue to think of you each and every moment. Best wishes.
Tannis & Benji
Hi Kim & Brad
Keep smiling! We know you will be wonderful parents and your children will be very lucky to go home with you both. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, talk to you soon.
Tracy & Kevin
I'm so sorry that you had to go through yet another heart wrenching experience. These people are not thinking about the children at all. Best wishes on your second appointment. Your kids are out there.
Lydia (MI MOM)
Thanks for the update. I have been wondering how things were going for you in the Ukraine. I am sorry this has worked out they way it has. Stay positive your children are there waiting. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Again, I am so glad to hear from you. I have been worried about what you have had to endure. My heart aches for you and for those children. I am praying that your next appointment goes 100x better and that you are on your way, finally to growing your family by the weekend.
I am so sorry - My heart goes out to you and your family. I feel bad for these children who passed on the opportunity of a loving family to wait for someone who may or may not make it to the Ukraine. Good luck and I wish you all the luck in your second appointment
I'm sorry all involved have had to go through this (and are still going through this). I have faith that when you meet your children, you will know why you were not meant to adopt the others and hopefully you will know that your experience will get a lot of people (families that met children they hope to adopt) to think a little harder about what is right for these children. You will probably never know how many lives you affected but know in your heart you will probably save many children much heartache.
Wishing you well and looking farward to some exciting updates from you!
Sad to read your post, but maybe it wasn't meant to be. We missed out on the first but now I have two great boys.
It will seems like it is meant to be. When it happens. Keep the faith!! Best of luck to you and speedy second appt!!
Frua reader
You are being so gracious to this other family. These children will continue to be shown to other sad for them to wait, who knows how long for the hosting family. We have been waiting 2 1/2 years to travel to see our child we hosted in Dec 04, but she may be gone. We purposely did not contact her because of this situation. May God give you extra strength to endure. He has a wonderful set of children for you. Isa 40:31
Hi Kim and Brad,
Thanks for writing and letting us know how you are doing. Continue to take comfort from all these loves notes that friends have been sending your way.
With regard to the children you just met, I believe that we touch the lives of others in ways we often never know. People sometimes come into our personal world for mere moments and can leave us forever changed. We can’t always control people and situations that come to us, but we can always control our response to them. And in our positive responses and decisions lies our control and power to make a positive difference. It's something you can do to impact the present and the future.
Be patient with your slow healing heart, be strong and hopeful, your children will come to you.
Kim & Brad, I am so sorry to hear of your situation. As a fellow Canadian, I send you all the very best of luck in finding the children you are meant to be the parents to.
I cant believe the selfish couple who have put those children's lives on hold and who made your adoption trip a living nightmare.
It is no wonder the world thinks that American's are bully's.
People of the United States are not ALL bad but the ones that are certainly give that country a BAD name.
I salute you for stepping back and not forcing that little girl to come back to Canada with you, I bet some other 'certain people' would have done the exact oppisite !!!
Best of luck on the rest of your adoption journey.
I am so sorry to hear what has happened to you both. I am a Canadian too, hoping to submit my dossier in January.
I hope the restrictions placed on American's are back in place in Jan 2007. That will put them in their place !!! And it will give other countries a chance to get what they want for a change.
Hi Kim & Brad, I just read your blog and all the encouraging comments that have been sent to you both and had a good cry. We don't always know why things turn out the way they do but we know the Lord will continue to be with you guys and give you strength for each day and hope for tomorrow just keep looking to him. We love you lots & continue to pray for you. Miss you & so does Benji-He is good & sleeps at the end of our bed. Take care, you will find your children. Love Mom & Dad Ze.
Hey Kim and Brad,
As sad as it is for those children it is so wonderful that there are people like you out there who do want them and love them. I'm sure it is very frustrating this whole procedure but we are thinking about you and praying all will work out!
All the best to you
How about the selfishness of thinking children shouldn't have homes because someone else made a poor choice?(refering to a comment made above about American adoption restrictions). Should such people be allowed to adopt? Who does this person thinks adopts older children? Surely not her!
Hi Kim and Brad,
Wow, you sure are getting a variety of comments! I just wanted to let you know that we're thinking of you and praying for you. You are going to get your children and it will all be worth it in the end. Do you want to hear something really crazy? Get ready . . . .we have a cat! Yes, you heard right. I still can't believe it myself and neither can some of the family as I vowed I would never have an animal in my house. It goes to show what you will do for your child. Anyways, take care. Love you.
Brad and Kim,
I am so sad for you, and especially sad for those kids. But there are a couple of kids somewhere in Ukraine who are going to be THRILLED to see you and while you'll still hurt for those kids you had to leave, the pain will ease when you're tucking your little ones in their own little beds in your home. Hang in there. We're praying for a great appointment and quick and safe travel to the region - (and wouldn't it be nice if you didn't have to take a train for these kids???) Love the comment from Beryl - getting crazy updates from friends at home helped us keep our sense of humor and stay connected!
Following your nightmare on FRUA.
It's amazing what we can rationalize when we are desperate and someday the American couple will realize that you can't really manipulate situations or people because you can't keep anything that you weren't meant to have.
It's a little hard for me to villianize the couple though I think it's pathetic that they don't realize that the bottom line here is not about them.
I can't even imagine your anger.
The girl will spend cold, lonely nights and long,excruciatingly dull days tormented about her decision. I just hope that she and her brother won't be orphaned twice...
Because it is so much like a miscarriage or a still born birth, I won't even try to make pity comments that will end up sounding empty.
Praying now that God will reveal His unique glory through the child/chilren that will become yours.
NJ Mom
Been reading about your experiences on your blog here and as well on the Frua board. My heart goes out to you and I wish you the very best on your next appointment. We went thru some of our happiest as well as the heaviest days of our lives when we adopted a little girl last winter. It plays havoc with the emotions alright. Put your hand in the hand of God and trust him to help you.
Kim, you are a TROOPER! In my mind, you get unselfish mom of the year award. I feel so sad for those children and I truely hope that their family comes for them. Meanwhile, I pray that God blesses you richly with the children He has chosen for you and Brad. BIG HUG!!! Tonya
Kim and Brad,
What a huge decision you had to make, and I agree, the most unselfish one you will probably ever make. Things happen for a reason and people enter and exit from your life for a reason. Keep positive and focused. Enjoy the country, the sights, and the food. Your family is waiting for you. I pray your next appt. is the family for you and you can all return home soon. Can't wait for your next posting.
Kim & Brad,
We're sending happy thoughts & an extra prayer for you tonight!
Best wishes for a wonderful day tomorrow!
Tammy & Derek too!
Hello Kim & Brad
I feel so bad for you both and of course the children. What you's did was truly amazing. After reading on your blog and Frua about what you and Brad have gone through, all I could think was.....these are definitely compassionate and strong people and I really believe God has the most wonderful gift waiting for you.......and your just around the corner from it. Keep on following your heart because thats where God speaks to you.
Take care,
Gina Fortini (Mamma.g. from FRUA)
Hey Guys,
Kudo's for you for hanging in there. I'm sorry to hear that some people are hanging on to kids hopes like they'd hang on to a car sitting in a dealers window. What a sad, sad, state of affairs.
Anyway, we hope it works out for you and those kids, in one way or another.
Lee, Treena, Kara, and Nolan
Hi Kim and Brad
I am so sorry that you had to make this difficult decision. Stay strong and keep faith your children are there waiting for you. You are in our prayers.
Les and Patricia
Hi Kim and Brad,
Just talking to my mum and she told me you were now in Ukraine, so I tried to find this site again, no problems it popped up the minute I typed in Brad and Kim and Ukraine!!! I had been thinking of you guys all week, Kim you just kept popping into my mind and so I just had to ask my mum if she knew anything. Valerie usually keeps me up to speed, have to talk to that girl!!! Just read the last couple of days, couldn't help but let the tears come when I read about the little ones, breaks my heart. You will know when its right, trust what your heart says. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Jacqueline, Marcus and Alyshaxxxx
Kim and Brad,
I just had to tell you that after our brief emails yesterday and catching up on your last few days here I couldn't wait to hug my children. I think both Tony and I soaked up every second with our children last night.
I truly believe that there is a reason for everything and that God does have a plan (and you know I don't speak of God often).
I am glad to hear that Corner Gas is coming in handy and giving you a good laugh. Oh, btw, its freezing here!!! Fall suddenly left and winter dropped snow on us over night on Thursday. Its all gone but holy cow, I still hadn't made the transition from capris and sandals to long pants and closed shoes! I hope your weather is being kinder to you.
Take care and as always, you will be in our thoughts.
The Rubletz Clan
I just finished my post and when I went to check it posted okay I saw the one from my sister right before mine...spooky!!!! I was delayed in sending mine as I had to see Matthew off to school other wise we were both typing at the same time!
Apparently I have to go call her now to bring her up "to speed".
Luv ya!!!
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