Our Adoption From Ukraine

Saturday, October 14, 2006

We forgot to wish our niece Alycia a happy 5th birthday on October 13th. Hope you had a great day. I assume that you are having a party today. Hope you are enjoying your visit with grandma and grandpa.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kim and Brad,
We are all together at Monie and Gary's for supper club tonight. Just read a couple of your latest postings. When Monica called to let you know about supper club she couldn't reach you, she found out from Tracey that you had left for Ukraine. We miss you but are very glad that you couldn't join us, no better excuse to not be here. We're all thinking of you and wishing for the best for you. Lots of love, the supper club gang.
PS - Brad go back to the birds for more luck

8:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man...reading your blog is like a blast from the past - we were there Oct of 05 and I feel like we could superimpose your blog on ours and no one would know the difference! Hanging in Kiev - go see the Lavra Percherska -totally worth it. Obrien's and Golden Gate both show NFL AND MLB which was a lifesaver as a Cards fan last year. Hang in there - the process makes you crazy but I'm a big fan of "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger."



10:05 PM  
Blogger Kimbell and Mark said...

Okay -it's 8:16 am Monday in Kiev - so you're probably getting ready for your appt. I'm praying all goes well. They say when you sqeeze an orange you really see what's inside - and you guys have shown us that you are putting the kids above your desire to build your family. I'm still sick over the whole thing thinking of those kids sitting in an orphange for who knows how much longer - but - this is a happy and encouraging post! Our adoption took some wild and crazy turns, but she's tucked in bed right now (sleeping I hope!!!) and all that time in Ukraine (it was 2 mos but as you know in Kiev time seemed much looooonger!) seems so very long ago. Keep us posted as you wish - but if you choose not to post until things are more certain - you don't owe us anything. We posted VERY LITTLE but sent detailed emails to our family. That will probably make some FRUA folks not too happy - but let's not forget our primary goal here - getting your kids home!!!
NightieNight - no school tomorrow - woohoo!

12:30 AM  

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