Our Adoption From Ukraine

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I will start by answering a few questions.

Loretta - O’Briens Irish Pub does not serve perogies…mainly Irish and American cuisine. We went there on Sunday night to catch some NFL and meet up with our friends from Manitoba. Apparently the English speaking adoption couples hang out there, but we did not see any.

Lee, Treena , Kara & Nolan – The norm is that you loose 10 pounds here. Brad & I are praying that we do, we both need to loose more than that, but it’s a good place to start!! We are doing tons of walking, so that will help as well.

Valerie – It’s gets dark about 7 p.m. and the sun is up about 6 a.m.

Lorne & Kristin – we are working on your list of Ukrainian names!!

We have been spending a lot of time with Bob & Susane, we are going to b sad to leave them today. We have been “hanging” out at McDonald’s in the a.m. people watching and visiting with them. It’s been nice to have friends going through the same thing as us. There are other couples here right now, we have just not meet up with any of them. I am unable to get onto FRUA so I have no idea what else is going on in the adoption world.


Blogger adoptedthree said...

Did your friends Bob and Susane get their referral too? Where are they heading maybe it will be somewhat close?

7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim & Brad,
So happy to hear everything is going well and you have friends to spend time with. Will you have to spend two nights on the train? That is a long train ride. Are the Ukrainian lessons coming in handy? All the best.
Tannis & Benji

10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim and Brad!!
I'm so happy to hear you are finally on the road to completing your journey to bring home your future kids! Be Well, and keep safe while on your journey. Thinking of you both while you have this wonderful lifes' experience. Keep up the great postings for us all to read!!
Anne in Calgary
licks and wags from Teako and Tessa too!

12:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,
We at HED (me the most!) miss you alot. But we are absolutely downright happy for you both. Hope you come home soon. I am releaved that you are having a good time there. Love you lots.


9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I tell you how happy I am for you? I know I just left a comment, but I thought I'd leave another one because I miss you sooo much, and so does Pat. Love you lots!

Roberta - again

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I tell you how happy I am for you? I know I just left a comment, but I thought I'd leave another one because I miss you sooo much, and so does Pat. Love you lots!

Roberta - again

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim & Brad,
I hope you don't mind me posting here. Did you get a referal for Lidia & Igor K.? We hosted Lidia this summer and plan on adopting them. We are very attached to her and love her with all of my heart. Can you please email me? Or let me know your Ukraine cell phone number? Thank you so much.

Nichole Hasse

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
I just read the last person's post and I would say....sorry, but this is our chance at getting our kids. You were probably meant to meet these kids. What's to say someone doesn't come in November to adopt them if you say no? The SDA needs medical reasons, etc for turning down referrals and even if you did get another referral-the medical problems could be horrible. Frua addiction is common, I guess this could be how to end Frua addiction and start an addiction to parenting and being a wife/husband. I am so sorry this was added to an already stressful time. It makes me not want to read online boards. You guys deserve to have good referrals and you deserve to go with your gut and you deserve to be given the opportunity to share in your adoption excitement on the net. I am eager to hear the stories of when your kids have those "belly laughs", when they cry because they need you, and when they say some "goofy" English/Ukrainian word mixed together. May God bless you with good thoughts, sleep and health.

11:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Guys!
I completely agree with Heather!
You have been waiting a long time. If it meant to be , it is meant to be.
Can't wait to hear your wonderful stories!

7:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim & Brad,
We totally agree with Heather and Nancy! Fate brought you to these children. We're thinking of you!
Take Care
Tannis & Benji

8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have checked you blog daily and cant see anything new I hope that is all good news.

Anyway Ken & I want to wish you a happy Ukranian Thanksgiving. Hope to here from you soon. I will have my own email address next week sometime and I will contact you
Love Pat & Ken

10:19 AM  
Blogger adoptedthree said...

I am supporting you 110% this is your journey and your children. I had a similar situation feel free to contact me offline

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - what a difficult situation. But there is a reason that you were referred to these kids. I am so sad for Nichole, but maybe the plan was for them to be just a small part of Lidia's life, no matter how painful that might seem right now. WHen we met our daughter, she had been back only TWO days from being hosted in Italy all summer. When we met with the director, she said that she hold told her that the ITalians would be adopting her, but was willing to meet us. WHen the ITalian family found out, they came and visited her every day for a week - while we were there visiting her too. We had no idea when we got the referral that she had just gotten back. The director advised us to procede because there was no way to know when and if the Italians would get thier paperwork completed. Plus after the first day, our daughter said that WE were her family. We've been home for 8+ months and there is no question in my mind that this was the plan. Oh - and by the way - the Italians were in their 70's!!!
Hang in there - there are plenty of kids for everyone. I"m very sorry for you Nicholle and pray that you will be able to bring your own children home soon. Thanks for being a light in this child's life - even though it was for a shorter period of time than you would have hoped. THere is another child out there for you

1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim and Brad
I want to wish all the best in your adoption journey.
Hopefully those kids will joint your family in Canada.
I read FRUA and feels sorry for US family, but there is reason for everything.
Keeping my fingers crossed for the happy ending.
Anna from Ontario

10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim and Brad
When families host children, they are told firmly that there is no guarantee they will be able to adopt them in the future. It's an unfortunate system, but these children need a home now and fate has brought you to them. Good luck with a speedy process. We hope everything works out for you.

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kim & Brad !!! I am so happy that you are finally in Ukraine and have your referral. I wish you both all the very best with YOUR children. Have a safe and happy return to Canada with YOUR new family !!

9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim and Brad,

I am so dying for an update here....just wanted you to know that you are not far from our thoughts and we even googled the city you are in to get a better feel for your experience.

Sending hugs and best wishes....

Valerie, Tony, Sydney & Matthew

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey been watching your blog off found on FRUA...I am sorry for the host family nicole but I have to say go with your guts you know in your heart what you want......best of luck and peace.

waiting to hear more.

11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe in karma - what comes around - goes around. Think of how you would feel if it were you. There are no gaurantees - right. But, knowing and still doing this is quite sad.

7:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys - you need to delete some of these commnets. THis is stuff your kids don't need to be exposed to - or hear about it later years. The folks who are giving you such a hard time obviously have never been there. Of course you adopt these kids - the alternative is to leave them in the orphanage for who knows how much longer for a family that may or may not make it over there to adopt them. Things in Ukraine are so unpredictable. I'm praying for your sanity and am thankful that you are blessing these kids with a family.

8:27 PM  

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