Good News & Bad NewsWell apparently the press conference of the Minister of Health, with the new State Department on adoption and
children's rights regarding the reopening of international adoptions did happen on July 3rd. Originally it was scheduled for June 29th, but was postponed until July 3rd.
The rumors are that there are about 1200 waiting families who have submitted an application. In July the families already registered must confirm in writing their desire to get an appointment. In August dates of appointments will be sent out, according to the registration number, for September, October, November and December. Their plan is to see 300 families per month. The rumor is that they will be staring at # 14300 – well we are 14514….yeah!!! So that means we should be going in September.
But on the flip side, we only have until August 7th to rebook our flight…That’s seems a little tight in my books.