Rumors, Rumors, and more Rumors….that’s pretty much all they are.
We are still waiting. The rumors are mainly that the new National Adoption Center in Ukraine (SDA) is moving slowing. Apparently they are 80% done with the paperwork transfer. They were thinking that in another couple of weeks they would be up and running. Most likely they will start allocating travel dates for September, some rumors are that there are 600 international adoptions pending and it will take about 6 months to process them all. From what I have been waiting we should be at the beginning of the line. We were accepted April 2005 and that seems to be the oldest date I have heard. So now we are in the process of updating our paperwork for the 3rd time!! I would be very happy to get a September 2006 appointment date. At this point I n not so worried about the appointment date by actually getting it. I only have until the 1st week of August to rebook my flights (for the 2nd time) other wise we loose the $$ we have put into those tickets. I have said several times, I am not rebooking those tickets to Ukraine unless I have a confirmed appointment…..maybe we will be going somewhere else……