Our Adoption From Ukraine

Thursday, March 16, 2006

More Rumors….

The rumors on the boards are that a new law was passed in Ukraine that now has only given jurisdiction to the old NAC through the end of March. The New Ministry takes over May 1st. It seems that the are planning on using the entire month of April for the transition to the new organization. So I would assume that there would be no more appointments given out until May 1st at the earliest.
Since we had to reschedule my flight, I booked it for May 9th. Hopefully I can make this work in my favor. From what I know it usually takes people a minimum of a week to get flights arranged and since I have a flight arranged, maybe, just maybe that will give me an upper hand to get an appointment on May 11th or 12th!! Wouldn’t that be JUST WONDERFUL!!!!!


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