Our Adoption From Ukraine

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Well there is not much to say right now, but I though I would post something for those of you who check regularly. We are still patiently waiting for our appointment letter. The good news is people are getting appointments and I know ours will come soon.
We have decided to take a little break from the stress of the adoption and the cold weather. A group of Brad’s friends and friends’ friends, as well as some of the wives are heading down to Las Vegas for a hockey tournament the second weekend in March. They have been bugging us to come and we have been putting them off. We finally broke down a few weeks ago and decided to join them. We have been saving our air miles for a few years and had tons of them so we decided to use the miles and take advantage of the free flights. So three weeks from now we will be on our way. I am very excited because my sister is meeting us there on Wednesday and my brother in law is coming in on Friday. They live in Mexico City, so we don’t get to see them very often. 6 days of no snow…..yaaahooo!!


Blogger Kimbell and Mark said...

Good for you - nothing like a fun trip with friends for a little distraction. Hang in there - it will all be worth it and this time that just seemed like it lasted FOREVER will seem like just a small blip on your radar when you have your child safely tucked in bed on US soil!! Just wanted to encourage you - it will all be so worth it - but patience is something you will need a HUGE dose of - which I know you already know!!! He never promised it would be easy - but He did promise to walk along side us every single step of the way!

7:26 AM  

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